Wednesday, May 28, 2008

RSS Feeds

This was new for me. I didn't know about RSS feeds.
I subscribed at and added some feeds.
I added CNN, Salon, CN (Wired Top Stories) and
I went to Publisher's Weekly and added the Children's
Book News feed.

Jose Dalman

Jose Dalman
Originally uploaded by Farl


My only experience with photos prior
to learning about Flickr, was uploading
pictures to Costco's photo center. Now I know
how to post a picture in a blog.

Blue Hills

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Why blog?

Facilitates staying current with events in the library world.

7.5 Habits of Life Long Learners

The first part was okay. The most difficult part for me
will be finding the time to be a life long learner. There is
never enough time for anything.